October 26, 2021 [OTTAWA] – Canada’s biotech industry congratulates new and
returning Ministers of the Crown who together will create the Federal Cabinet in this
44th Parliament, the industry looks forward to working with various Ministers and
their teams.
The global pandemic has challenged the government and industry to harness science
and innovation to find solutions for Canadians and the world more broadly. The
industry delivered highly effective vaccines and continued to grow throughout the
pandemic. For its part, the government clearly recognizes the importance of
continuing to solve for COVID-19, prepare for future similar challenges and has
accordingly identified a robust and diverse biotech industry and corresponding
biomanufacturing capacity as priorities over the immediate period ahead. With
unprecedented global issues including the climate crisis, food sustainability and
human health needs, the biotechnology industry can play a central role in solving for
the challenges while also delivering significant economic benefits, including
investment and jobs. Accordingly, the industry strongly supports the Government’s
agenda contains important commitments and corresponding investments which will
greatly strengthen Canada’s global competitiveness and its ability to attract
investment and talent.
Importantly, there remains a need for ambitious government-industry partnerships
to strategically link initiatives and investments to maximize their impact. Importantly,
the government needs to partner with the entire ecosystem over the period
ahead. This requires a more strategic policy approach for the industry which is
holistic and leverages the strengths of all its stakeholders, including the multinational
pharmaceutical industry. In this context, BIOTECanada looks forward to working with
the Ministers in key portfolios and the government over the period ahead to
successfully implement and leverage the investments and policy measures.
For more information
Nadine Lunt